
Registration fees
Until 03/31/2012
Until 05/20/2012
On Site
R$ 50,00
R$ 65,00
Master's student
R$ 70,00
R$ 100,00
Ph.D. Student or Resident
R$ 90,00
R$ 120,00
R$ 120,00
R$ 150,00

For Brazilians: For registration, forward all information listed below by e-mail. You must attach the deposit slip and documentary evidence of student status (Undergraduate, Masters, Ph.D., Resident).

For Foreign: For registration, forward all information listed below by e-mail. Fees payment and verification of student status (Undergraduate, Masters, Ph.D., Resident) must be done at the venue. The amount to be paid shall be applied to the date you send the email requesting registration. For payment with foreign currency, the exchange rate of the day will be used at the venue.
Cancellation policy: return of 50% of registration fees for solicitation until April, 30, 2012. After this date, registration fees will not be refunded. Registration fees return will be done until 30 days after the event.
Forward the solicitation to the e-mail:  with the Subject: Registration cancellation.

Send by e-mail of all data listed below:  
CPF (Brazilians only):
Passport number (Foreigners only):
Registration category:
Full Name:
Institution: (University/Company)
Date of birth:
Phone number: ( )
Zip code:
Amount deposited (according with registration category and date informed in the table above):
Data for deposit (Brazilians):

Banco do Brasil
Bank Agency: 2796-0
Checking account: 27540-9
Cem Cerimônia Organização de Eventos e Recepções Ltda.
Need receipt*:      (   )  yes – inform data receipt
                             (   )  no
*A copy of the receipt will be sent by e-mail and the original one could be withdraw in the venue.